We are aware of fake advertisements circulating on Google Ads that link to a false news article featuring Ms Ho Ching, Chairman, Temasek Trust, in which she supposedly speaks about a cryptocurrency trading platform that claims to rapidly grow depositors’ funds with artificial intelligence.
This is fake news. Neither Ms Ho Ching nor Temasek Trust is associated with this platform in any way.
If you encounter these advertisements online, please report them to the relevant platform where they appear. You may also contact us by submitting your message here.
Such impersonations are becoming increasingly common online, so be careful and ensure that you only get information from trusted sources. For example, you can get official updates from Temasek Trust on our website.
Please note that Temasek Trust is not liable or responsible for any and all claims, losses, damages, or inconveniences arising from the fraudulent or unauthorised use of Temasek Trust’s name by these imposters.
We regularly publish alerts concerning detected scams, impersonations, and misinformation at our newsroom and on our social media channels. Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube for our latest updates.

A screenshot of a fake news article featuring Ms Ho Ching.